Wednesday 13 March 2019

If You Want To Change The World, Start With Yourself First

                            CHANGE STARTS WITH ME

Blessed with intellect and a set of skills, we, the human race, have been placed on Earth for a purpose, and it is our duty in life to discover exactly what that purpose is. As stated in the Bible, “to whom much is given, much is expected.” I believe giving back to society is, quite simply, a responsibility.Many feel the task of positive change is impossible, something to be left to visionaries like Gandhi, who led a nation through passive resistance, or Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a heroic women’s rights activist.

However, I believe each and every one of us can make a difference. And we can start this moment. Changing the world begins with improving who we are on the inside. We each have a unique identity and our own distinct thoughts. These thoughts often propel us to act. So, by mindfully centering our thoughts in a positive direction, we can improve our actions and thus our character.

I can improve the world by consciously looking around and thinking, at every opportunity, How can I help? The most powerful way one can change the world isn’t simply by doing one thing, but instead is a way of life revolving around the concept of altruism. While some may side with the philosopher Hobbes and argue that every act is tainted by primal human desires of remembrance and power, and thus is not truly selfless, I disagree. Charitable acts are not selfish because they improve our society as a whole.

An altruistic act may be as small as smiling and wishing someone “Good morning” or as impactful as building a house for a homeless family. By completing small acts of kindness, I can gradually make the world a better place. Eventually, when I have the means, these small acts will evolve into greater deeds: helping people in less developed countries, adopting a child, or choosing a career where I improve lives. This lifestyle and kind acts all stem from the same root: self-improvement.

The positive impact I can make starts within myself; by becoming a truly giving person, I can change the world. While self-improvement may seem a passive process, it’s actually a challenge requiring daily practice. It involves continually controlling my thoughts and actions to determine the type of person I want to be. My mission to positively change the world begins with self-improvement and concludes with making kind acts an instinctive part of my daily life.

Change happens whether we like it or not and regardless of whether we do anything about it. Tomorrow will be different than today. We can resist, but that is a bit like standing in a river and trying to hold back the water – useless. We have a choice to watch change passively happening around us, or to participate and lead it. Most people who say they don’t like change mean they don’t like when it happens to them, but they don’t mind if they are the ones initiating the change.  We’d rather be the changer than the change-ee.

Changes are taking place on all levels, from simple to complex; whether the minuscule transformations of our brain cells to the political crises unfolding around the world. Some changes we can manage, some we can influence, but realistically, most are outside our control. Statistically few of us will change the history of the world in a momentous way. Individually we cannot eradicate war, poverty, greed and corruption. I won’t invent a cure for cancer or solve the opiate crisis. But I can change myself. And in changing myself I may have a greater, more positive impact on my world – the one in which I actually live.

We can lead change and make our world a better place if we start with ourselves. Learning to become a better spouse, parent, businessperson, leader, salesperson, philanthropist, coach and volunteer and also a better person will enable me to contribute more to my family, my community, and my industry. By inviting positive change into my life, by initiating change, I might be able to positively influence others. But that’s a choice they have to make.

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If You Want To Change The World, Start With Yourself First

                            CHANGE STARTS WITH ME Blessed with intellect and a set of skills, we, the human race, have been placed on ...